Your doctor isn't the only person who can make you feel better - Improve your health and wellbeing by trying a different prescription.

Many of life’s everyday pressures such as money worries, being on your own or housing issues can take their toll on your health and affect your ability to be good to yourself.
Our Social Prescribing service thrive.nel can help you explore support available in your community that can help you make improvements to your overall health, wellbeing and independence.
If you are looking for a different way to better manage your long-term health conditions then thrive.nel could be the right prescription for you!
What are some of the potential benefits of thrive.nel?
Some of the benefits could include:
- Improved fitness
- Better mobility
- Reduced anxiety levels
- Learning new skills
- Reduced isolation and loneliness
- Lasting friendships
- Reducing reliance on medication
- Overall better health and wellbeing
What is thrive.nel?

thrive.nel is a new social prescribing service available to anyone in North East Lincolnshire aged between 18 and 75, diagnosed with one or more of the following long-term health conditions:
- Asthma
- Atrial Fibrillation
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Type 1
- Diabetes Type 2
- Epilepsy
- Fibromyalgia
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Osteoarthrosis
- Osteoporosis
Working alongside your GP, our Link Workers can help explore what is important for your life, your health and your wellbeing by identifying local activities and services that you could benefit from.
How does it work?

An experienced Link Worker will spend time getting to know you on a confidential, one-to-one basis.
Link Workers are practical and helpful and will not judge you.
If you decide thrive.nel is right for you, your Link Worker will work with you to help you decide what you’d like to do to improve your health, wellbeing and independence.
Your Link Worker has experience of working in communities and will take time to find activities that are right for you. We understand that its’ not always easy doing things differently on your own and your Link Worker will be right there to support you along the way.
How can it help me?

thrive.nel can help in many ways.
You might for example want to get a bit more active, learn new skills, eat more healthily, find or rediscover a hobby or simply get better connected with other people and your community.
Your social prescription is personal to you and you will receive ongoing support for up to two years to help you meet your goals.
What activities and support does thrive.nel offer?
Here are a few examples of the kind of activities and support your Link Worker can help you connect with:
- Support with money management
- Getting more active
- Access to gym, walking clubs & keep fit classes
- Weight loss advice
- Stopping smoking advice
- Dietary advice
- Gardening and growing
- Social clubs and activities
- Community learning
- Help with welfare benefits, debt, housing
How do I find out more?
If you live in North East Lincolnshire and want to try a different prescription please ask your GP about making a referral to thrive.nel.
Or you can contact thrive.nel at Centre4 where one of our team will be happy to talk to you about how we can help. thrive.nel are based at Centre4 and we are open from 9-5 Monday to Friday.
17a Wootton Road
DN33 1HE